Hello everyone, Creamsicle here to tell you about a very important day this week. Did you know that this Saturday, August 15th is “Homeless Animals Day”?
Since 1992, the International Society for Animal Rights has been recognizing the third Saturday in August as Homeless Animals Day. This began in the USA but is now celebrated in many countries around the world. Homeless Animals Day is an innovative educational vehicle with the purpose of informing people about a tragedy which overwhelms shelters all over the world: pet overpopulation.
The day is commemorated annually by promoting campaigns that provide awareness of animal welfare and ideas on the solution to pet overpopulation. The best way to solve this problem on a worldwide scope is to ensure that all pets are spayed or neutered.
Numerous events are held around the world to recognize this important day including candlelight ceremonies, adopt-a-thons, microchip clinics, blessings of the animals and other such events.
How can you take part?
The most important thing you can do is PLEASE ensure your pet is spayed or neutered. There are countless animals in shelters waiting for their forever homes, many who will never find one. So please do not contribute to this ever growing problem. All the cats at Forget Me Not are spayed and neutered, and any that are up for adoption have these procedures done before they leave the care of the sanctuary.
There are many other ways you can celebrate the day and here are a few ideas:
If you have a pet, take good care of it. We critters add so much to your lives and we ask so little in return. The more love you give, the more you'll get back.
Be kind to animals — we are innocent creatures who need your kindness and compassion.
Volunteer your time to your local animal welfare organization. Volunteers are the cornerstone of many organizations. They are not paid because they are worthless, but because they are PRICELESS!
If you can afford to, make a contribution to your favorite animal organization to help care for homeless animals. If you would like to contribute to help me and my friends at the Forget Me Not Cat Sanctuary you can find details on how to do this at our website on our “Donations” page. (There is a link to our website at the top of the right hand column of this blog page.)
My hope is that some day all animals will have wonderful, loving homes like I do here at Forget Me Not and that no animal will ever have to be homeless.
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