Thursday, August 27, 2009

Creamsicle's Top 5 Toy List

Hello friends!

My fellow felines and I at Forget Me Not have many great toys to play with. I wanted to pass along a list of five great toys that I’d highly recommended for all the kitties out there. Here are some cool things your cat will no doubt find hours of enjoyment with! I present, Creamsicle’s Top 5 Toys!

#5—Petstages Fantasy Fishbowl
This neat and bright colored “fishbowl” offers any feline tons of fun. What cat wouldn’t like to go fishing! It’s the coolest thing being able to fish in the bowl and try and pull the fish out! And you won’t even get your paws wet!

#4—ToyShoppe Feathered Cat Teaser
This one’s great as it makes the humans do some work too. You and your human can enjoy some great time together while you get to chase the feathers. And the humans like it because there are no messy bird parts to clean up afterwards!

#3—Petlinks System Twinkle Chute with Lights
Lighten up your cat's life with this crackling tunnel toy that features motion-activated lights. This tunnel toy is a ton of fun to crawl through and peak through the holes. And the noise it makes when you run through it brings added enjoyment! Just make sure your humans don’t try it—they will get stuck for sure!

#2—TLC Cat ‘n Mouse
Every home with feline residents should have one of these! The Cat ‘n Mouse provides hours of fun. Cats love to get this mouse spinning in its circle and are determined to find a way to get the mouse out…..but so far no luck here! This a great toy that more than one cat can play with at once too. But be careful, it might make you dizzy!

#1—Play ‘n Squeak Mouse
The grand-daddy of them all and my purrsonal favorite! This is the neatest mouse toy on the market. This mouse is motion activated and makes great squeaking sounds when he moves. Even a wise cat like me thought he was a real mouse! Cats love to bat them around, toss them in the air, and are encouraged to play hard by the real life squeaking noise this mouse makes. I highly recommend this one for all of your feline friends!




  1. What a great list Creamsicle, thanks for recommending these to us. We're going to ask our Mom and Dad to go get these for us for sure. We are anxious to try them all out!

    Sam & Sadie
    Edmonton, Alberta

  2. Thanks for the list Creamsicle! It is nice to know there is a cat ex'purrrrt' out there. Will put them on the list for the next visit to the store.

    D and J
